Donald Jordan Pierce
New York University
Undergraduate Research on the ATLAS Experiment

Spheryx Syringe Flow July 12, 2018
Syringe Pump-Driven Flow in an Industry-Facing Microfluidic Channel
David Ruffner, Donald Pierce

I assisted with the derivation of some flow properties of a viscous microfluid through a specially-designed micrometer channel under the pressure of a mechanical pump.
NYU Undergraduate REsearch
                Conference May 4, 2018
A Study of Efficiency of Combined Missing Transverse Momentum Algorithms at the LHC
Donald Pierce, Joseph Corrado

I present to a committee of scientists at the N.Y.U. Undergraduate Research Conference after receiving an a funding award.
NYU DURF November 21, 2017
Named recipient of a Fall 2017 DURF Grant
Donald Jordan Pierce

"Congratulations on this prestigious and competative award and best of luck with your research."
Fifth MET Presentation November 15, 2017
Study of 2016 MET Correlations Part 3 (12 Slides)
Joseph Corrado, Donald Pierce

We show that the efficiency of proposed combined HLT algorithms is better than their individual efficiencies.
Fourth MET Presentation October 4, 2017
Study of 2016 MET Correlations Part 2 (19 Slides)
Joseph Corrado, Donald Pierce

We present results which show that the framework for determining algorithm correlation is promising. We also test the efficiency of new HLT algorithms constructed using this framework.
Remarks on Birkhoff's Theorem August 22, 2017
Remarks on Birkhoff's Theorem
Donald Jordan Pierce

I provide an explanation of Birkhoff's thoerem which exlains why 'mass' in vacuum solutions to Einstein's equations must be static and stationary.
Third MET Presentation August 9, 2017
Comparison of METx, METy Gaussian Fits and MET Rayleigh Fits (11 Slides)
Donald Jordan Pierce

I discuss the theoretically-predicted consistency between METx,y distributions and the MET distribution.
Second MET Presentation July 11, 2017
Study of 2016 MET Correlations (55 Slides)
Joseph Corrado, Donald Pierce

We provide a study of the 2016 data, and propose a framework for determing the correlation between HLT algorithms.
First MET Presentation August 15, 2016
Comparing MET Trigger Algorithms Accross 2015/2016 Zero-Bias Data (17 Slides)
Donald Pierce, David Schwerdt

We discuss comparisons between different HLT triggers which calculate missing transverse momentum of particle collisions at the ATLAS experiment.
2017 The content of this website is the work of the author, and does not necessarily reflect the opinions of New York University or the ATLAS Experiment. The header image is provided by the NYPL.